Sasha – My 10 year old Labrador Sasha has severe elbow arthritis. We initially tried hydrotherapy which helped but Sasha hated it. Nycky was recommended to us and the sessions have worked wonders. Sasha’s mobility has improved massively and generally she is much more comfortable. Nycky has also been hugely helpful with advice on both lifestyle changes and medication. Best of all though is that Sasha loves her visits from Nycky.

George and friends – performance maintenance – I have used Nycky for many years. I breed and produce Showing and dressage horses. We have been very lucky to have some big wins over the years and Nycky has had the horses feeling wonderful. She will go out of her way to help with any problems and is a pleasure top deal with.

Becca Locke
Ruby – hip dysplasia. Ruby absolutely loves her physiotherapy sessions for her hip dysplasia with Nycky. Ruby can be nervous of handling but Nycky's natural ability and charm with dogs has ensured that Ruby will co-operate happily and allow a full assessment and treatment to be completed. We find the sessions very reassuring and Nycky is full of information and advice that allows Ruby to live a full life without us worrying constantly about her condition. Without this guidance and monitoring we would have limited Ruby’s exercise and play much more than we needed to. By following the advice given we understand how to help Ruby in between appointments and we know that should we be worried about absolutely anything we can call Nycky and she will help us.

Pip – post CCL repair. Pip is a great character and an energetic chap who lets everyone know when there are visitors by running to the door. He had to have an operation on his knee after his cruciate ligament ruptured. His physio rehabilitation started with ten days of his operation. His owners for very diligent at doing his fun but therapeutic homework to help him use the leg correctly which is the best way to get it to strengthen up again and not put strain on the other leg.
His owners sent this lovely thank you note with a picture of Pip.

Dave and Carol
Skye – horse struggling with left canter.
Nycky was recommended by my instructor. I particularly like how Nycky asks to see the horse in all 3 gaits and asks about recent work and competitions. She gives me a copy of notes on what she has found and treated so we can both look back to see what is changing. The exercises she gives are comprehensive. I try have physio every 6 weeks for my horse and recommend Nycky.
Poppy – post patella luxation operation –
Poppy is a young whippet who loves and is very quick at agility had to have an operation to correct her luxating patella. Her owner assumed she would not be able to do agility again but with excellent physiotherapy rehabilitation from soon after the operation right through to Poppy returning to agility training, Poppy has returned to the sport she loves. Her owner Karen sent this lovely thank you card with a photo of Poppy at agility.

Bessie – post FCE physio rehab (spinal stroke)
Bessie had an FCE which is a stroke in the spinal cord which left her paralysed in all 4 limbs. She came home to lovely attentive owners who had to help her to move into a different position every 2 hours so that she did not get pressure sores or sore muscles.FCE
I showed the owners how to best assist Bessie to move so that it was comfortable for her, protected their backs and provided therapy to promote healing at the same time. As Bessie recovered she learnt to sit, stand and walk again with the help of regular physiotherapy.
6 months later she is able to get on with her life with only her one front leg not working properly and a little wobbly in her back legs. To help her go for longer outings her owners have bought her a doggy disability buggyFCE physio which means she goes in that to the park then gets out and plays with her friends and meets people until she is tired and then gets taken home. She is a very happy 10yr old Labrador.
“Nycky was real support to us at a very difficult time. The physio sessions were always very positive and upbeat and instructions were clear – the results speak for themselves”

Molly had an MMP ccl repair but was not recovering as expected and upon further investigation had to have another operation to remove her meniscus inside the stifle joint. This delay and complication meant she did not use her limb much and did not trust that it would not hurt her. She is also and energetic staffie cross so was keen to bounce around. She preferred rolling over to have her tummy rubbed instead of standing to do her physio exercises. We had to find some physio exercises that Molly was keen to work on without getting her too excited. Mollies owner says “Nycky gave us confidence of what Molly could do. After the complications I did not think Molly would recover to an acceptable level but with physiotherapy we have my Molly back”

Squeak – Daxi – IVDD post op physiotherapy.
Squeak had to have an operation after a disc in her spine pressed on her spinal cord and caused her to be paralysed in her hind legs. She has had physiotherapy and hydrotherapy to help her to walk again. She can now walk and run al be it with a little wobble from her right hind leg.Squeak and Rolo (2)
Her owner says that large improvements have been seen over the weeks and it is helpful to have exercises to do little and often and to know what the exercises are for.

Tilly, a 6yr old energetic Lab, had an operation to repair her ligament in her hind leg and her vet recommended post-op physiotherapy from a week after the operation. She is an energetic lady and her home had tiled and wooden floors which are a risk of slipping which would cause the repair to break.
Her owner, Peter said that he was happy she received physiotherapy and that the good range of therapies to benefitted her as well as a cheerful and professional service.

Santa was limping on her front leg and the vet suggested physiotherapy treatment. Santa has an existing movement difficulty with her hind leg, she has a shortened gracilis muscle. So she moves a little differently and this over time puts some strain on her front legs and her back muscles. After a couple of physio sessions and a home exercise program, Santa is no longer lame on her front leg and is more comfortable in her back. She will have physio every couple of months to keep her so.
Santa’s owner wrote ” It meant a lot to me that my dog was so calm and relaxed about the treatments and immedietly took to Nycky who was calm and relaxed herself. This really helped the outcome of the physiotherapy. Each physiotherapy session had plenty of time allocated, not rushed and being treated at home was much better for my dog”.

Twister is a pony who regularly competes at eventing and dressage. He receives a Physiotherapy MOT every 2 months to help his performance stay top notch. Regular physio MOT can help prevent injury by spotting subtle changes in the way a horse moves and correcting them. Twister’s rider says “We won our novice dressage test this past weekend with 74% out of 35 horses. After your treated him last week – he is moving brilliantly. Thank you so much”

Dilly – elbow replacement post op physio. “My 9 year old kelpie/collie cross, Dilly, had end stage elbow dysplasia. Her leg had become so painful that she had stopped using it altogether and was no longer interested in going out of the house. Our local vet had tried a series of pain relief measures but even these had stopped working effectively. In the end we were looking at either an amputation or fusing the elbow straight. However, at the eleventh hour, we were steered towards a pioneering surgeon who is working on animal joint replacements. In June of last year Dilly had a total elbow replacement and the operation went very well.
When we got her home there were two main challenges: to restore the muscles that she had lost through years of non-use and – perhaps the most difficult – to restore her confidence in the affected leg. Nycky came twice a week and achieved wonders ! She was always calm, caring and competent around Dilly which reassured her at a time when she was bewildered about her strange new limb. Nycky devised all sorts of interesting and fun exercises, each one to work on a different area. Not only was she highly professional in her approach, but she also made her visits exciting and enjoyable for Dilly. I believe this was important as it meant that she was always happy to cooperate and would greet Nycky’s arrival with wags of delight. Before Nycky left us she showed me exercises that I could do with Dilly and this gave me the confidence to take charge of her recovery myself.
Dilly had her 6 month check up and the surgeon is very happy with her outcome. I am certain that we have to thank Nycky’s efforts in those crucial first months and the excellent training she gave me to continue with Dilly’s exercises. Today when I pick up my keys to leave the house Dilly jumps off the sofa and waits eagerly by the front door to go for her walks.”

Sarah Murphy
Below is a short video of some of the exercises Dilly did during her recovery.
Jazz – Olympia Agility dog.
7yr old agility dog Jazz had an injury earlier in the summer. She was booked in for an Olympia qualifier which Sharon was really looking forward to. With some hands on physio treatment and some bespoke rehabilitation Jazz was able to compete at the qualifier. A note from Sharon: Hiya just to let you know that all our hard work was worth while as Jazz competed at Olympia on Saturday. She was fantastic and she went very well. So thanks for all your help.

Sharon and Jazz x
Riley is an energetic young pointer who had an operation to repair a cruciate ligament tear in his hind leg – known as a CCL repair. He had Physiotherpay rehabilitation in the weeks after his operation which meant he recovered well. He now uses his operated leg as normal, has no limp and is running around on his walk. His owner wrote: ‘I really appreciated all your help with Riley, I would have been a little lost without physio and not known where to start.’

My mare Amber really benefits from Nycky’s visits. Nycky really cares about making horses comfortable in themselves. I recommend physio with Nycky as a routine aspect of horse care.

Paws – would have lost his leg without physio. Paws is a young boisterous Labrador who had 2 operations on his hind leg after an accident. After 4 months of not using his leg, he was referred for physiotherapy as a last resort. It is unfortunate that he did not receive physio straight after his operations as it is easier to prevent a problem than try reverse it. He required a lot of physio input as his body and brain had forgotten his leg existed and it was very very weak from non-use. With regular physiotherapy over nearly 6 months he is now using his leg as normal for all activities. His owner, Peta wrote ” I was worried his leg could not be saved, it was just hanging and he was not using it. I thought he would end up losing it. Nycky gave lots of varied treatments and a home program which fitted in with our lifestyle. Paws was very relaxed with Nycky and she handled him well. I definately believe physio with Nycky saved his leg.”

Jack – Rehab after ligament injury. I wanted to know I was bringing my horse back into work properly after injury and a friend recommended Nycky for Physio rehab. She worked with us for 5 months addressing issues to help him work symmetrically, sorting out muscle tension and giving us correct exercises to help his recovering ligaments be used properly. The exercises formed part of our daily ridden work and in the stable. He is now back in full work and we are looking at the events calendar. I would recommend physiotherapy both as a recovery method but also to maintain fitness and suppleness for horses in work.

Peter Pan is keeping very well at the moment – we seem to start cracking the nut of presenting ourselves supple and ‘on the bit’ in a more consistent manner. I had two dressage lessons in the last 3 weeks and we got a lot of praise I am convinced that Peter’s increased range of movement and the fact that he is starting to build up the ‘correct’ muscles has a lot to do with the work you’ve done with him/us over the last few months which we really appreciate!
an interesting case
Bandit needed splints for his front legs
Bandit, a 14 yr Border Collie, had hyperextension at both his carpii – meaning the wrist joints on his front legs bent back instead of being straight up. This gets worse over time as the ligaments at the back of the joint stretch. In order to slow down the deterioration and to reduce discomfort, Nycky made splints to support the joint into a more normal position. Having support of these joints means he can go for longer walks. His owner Alison said it was so nice to see him comfortable and able to walk much better.